Como forma de homenagear o nome do website, pensámos que seria interessante entrevistar algumas das personalidades da música pesada/alternativa e tentar saber um pouco mais sobre a sua relação com os videojogos.
O nosso sexto entrevistado é o Jesse Sendejas.
MBG – Hi! First of all I want to thank you for your availability to take part on our interview series. Could you start by telling our readers who are you and what bands you play in?
Jesse – No sweat Boba Fett!! Thanks for including me!! Hey!! My name’s Jesse Edward Sendejas. I play guitar in a thrashgrass outfit called Days N Daze, guitar for a ska/punk band called Escape from the ZOO, I’m the guitarist for a band called Chad Hates George I’m in with my little sister, Marissa Sendejas, (who plays kickass tunes as “Marissa.” that I highly recommend ya check out), and I play drums for Pajama Party and Decathect.

MBG – Is the decision of who’s playing next taken peacefully?
Jesse – Haha, yeah we’re all good on that. When the switch was released we splurged on three for five people. We weren’t messin’ around. 😉
MBG – Don’t Blink’s videoclip from Escape From The ZOO has a lot of videogame references (the first shot is literally a Nintendo 64). Can you tell us about the whole idea behind that videoclip?
Jesse – The entire idea of the video is that it’d pay homage to a few of our favorite video game tropes and designs; most obvious of all Goldeneye 007‘s multiplayer splitscreen. It just seemed fun to give the idea a bit of framing. Also, gotta love that sound of the N64 cartridge poppin’ in. Sounds like some B-movie weaponry sound effect.
MBG – I know you have a Twitch channel with Brandon (Punk with a Camera) called Punk with a Controller. Do you like the idea of playing videogames while chatting with your fans?
Jesse – Hell yeah!! The handful of times we’ve gotten to do it have been a blast!! Nice to hear or (read) what people are thinkin’ in real time, and in a relaxed environment. We try n chat with folks at venues we play, but everything is usually so loud and chaotic. It’s difficult, at shows, to have a proper conversation.
MBG – How important do you think a soundtrack is to a videogame? Is there any soundtrack or composer that you really like?
Jesse – In my opinion a video games auditory elements are just as important as it’s visual ones. I should really get around to it, but to be honest I’ve not looked into many of the artists who’ve composed for many of the games I love. Koji Kondo is great, of course. I know that maybe they’re disputed as being actual “soundtracks”, but the music in the early Tony hawk games was super influential for me. I recently, for the first time, got around to playing Psychonauts. I really enjoy the sound design they pieced together for that.
MBG – If you were to cover a videogame song, which one would it be and why?
Jesse – Oh, damn. That’s a difficult one. Maybe I’d use some of the riffs from Luigi’s mansion, and do like a hiphop/ska type deal. It’s zany and fun, but still dark. May work well for somethin’ with a Night Gaunts feel. Night Gaunts, by the way, another band I’d really encourage you to give a listen to. We did a split with them a while back. They covered a tune of ours called “Post Party Depression” and just crushed it.
MBG – What are your all-time favorite games? Are you playing any right now?
Jesse – I’m awful at picking favorites. Off the top of my head….. Dark Souls. Playing through NG+ right now. To give just a piece of a list that’s miles longer I adore Skyrim, Earthworm Jim, the early THPS games, Ocarina, Gauntlet Legends, Ratchet and Clank, Unravel Two, Assassin’s Creed black flag, too many batman games to mention, and last for now the new Spiderman PS4 title is just incredible.
MBG – If you were a Mortal Kombat character, what would your fatality be?
Jesse – Haha!! Such a great interview question. Maybe you could like shove the neck of a guitar through the opponent’s stomach and pull the strings back over top their head using them like 6 wire cheese slicers to portion them, vertically, into 7 chunks of scorpion meat? Haha, first thing that came to my head. INSTRUMENTALITY!!
MBG – Last year you came to Portugal with Days n Daze and the show was fucking amazing. What impressed you the most in our country? Do you have any plans to return with any of your bands?
Jesse – Well, thank ya so much!! We had a blast so it’s good to know someone else had fun. Unfortunately, we had to drive like 9 hours in and we had a super long drive right after the show so we didn’t really get to see much aside from the venue, but what we did see was amazing!! Everyone in that scene seems to be so thoughtful, kind, and aware. The folks runnin’ the show hooked us up with food and beer, they found a spot for Whit to nap before the show, they were just were genuinely hospitable. Then once the show rolled around everyone was so ready to dance, and drink, and sing along with us. Fuckin’ beautiful time. Gorgeous venue. Wonderful new friends. We certainly plan on making it back as soon as we possibly can!! =]
MBG – I want to thank you once again for accepting to give us this interview! Anything else you want to say? Any comments?
Jesse – Of course!! Thank YOU!! Such a fun time. Hm.. Escape from the ZOO and Days N Daze will both be releasing new music soon!! We’re pretty much constantly on tour so if ya wanna keep up with where we’re at, and maybe meet up at a show to kick it and have a drink we try and post all of our shows on our facebook pages. Also, if anyone needs to talk about anything or just wants to shoot the shit feel free to message us through fb or me directly at [email protected]. If ya wanna check out some tunes you can find most of our stuff on spotify, iTunes, YouTube, bandcamp all that nonsense. Lastly, and most importantly, take care of yourself both mentally and physically, be safe friend, and don’t ya dare go hollow!! <3
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